Central Managemnt System

Central Management System (CMS): Elevating Digital Asset Management with Surfsonix

Surfsonix’s Central Management System (CMS) is a vital solution for organizations looking to efficiently manage, configure, and report on their wide-ranging digital assets and services. Explore how this powerful tool simplifies asset management, enhances control, and optimizes operational efficiency.

Used Cases


  • Powerful Configuration Management: The CMS centralizes configuration and management of digital resources, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
  • Detailed Reporting: Comprehensive reports provide insights into user behavior, application performance, and social media analytics.
  • Revenue Tracking: Organizations can track revenue across channels and services to optimize income streams.
  • Ticket Statistics: Efficient ticketing systems manage user requests with detailed statistics on ticket volumes and response times.
  • User Connections: Real-time monitoring and reporting of user connections enable proactive management.
  • HTTP-Proxy Logs: Detailed logs track and analyze web traffic for security and compliance.


  • Exportable Revenue Statistics: Exportable revenue statistics facilitate data analysis and integration with financial systems.
  • Real-time Logging: Logging of user login and logoff activities enhances security and accountability.
  • System Notifications: Alerts and notifications for critical events aid prompt issue resolution.
  • Remote Syslog: Integration with remote syslog servers centralizes storage and analysis of system logs.
  • Device Monitoring: The CMS monitors network devices, including Surf-LAN, with notifications to maintain network health.
  • SNMP Integration: SNMP integration allows effective management and monitoring of network devices, routers, and switches.
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Cost Efficiency

  1. Streamlined Operations: Centralized management simplifies the administration of various devices and systems.
  2. Remote Management: CMS allows administrators to manage devices and systems remotely, reducing the need for on-site visits.
  3. Better Decision-Making: CMS provides valuable data and insights into visitor’s behaviour, login method, and device type etc, with this information can make informed decisions about smart marketing, DAP, and promotional offers.
  4. Consistent Policies: CMS enables organizations to enforce consistent policies and configurations across all managed devices.