
Trains/Metro stations

Train and Metro Stations

Smart WiFi for Trains/Metro stations

Passengers at the stations have enough time on their hands whilst waiting for their departure and expect free guest WiFi quickly. Installing Surfsonix will help to personalize the travel experience, boost engagement and enable monetization through increase in purchases.
Surfsonix allows stations to connect with their passengers via email and social media, encouraging rebooking with valuable information, discounts and offers. Station’s shops and cafes can send special offers to commuters which increases loyalty and spend.

Keep commuters updated

Passengers want to be able to check travel updates in real time.  They should be able to stay in touch with the outside world, particularly if they are facing delays or redirections, or poor coverage with GSM. Using a wayfinding tool, station operators can direct passengers to the correct platform. This means that commuters will be much more relaxed which enhances the overall journey experience.

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.